Checkout PayPro latest publications, upcoming events and industry news. Get insights, best practises and strategies for selling Software, SaaS and Cloud products online.

Inspiration of the month

5 reasons why SaaS companies should outsource automatic recurring billing

automatic recurring billing

SaaS start-ups are always faced with the dilemma on what to do with their recurring billing solution; to develop their own or outsource? By simply taking a fugitive look at processing rates, many businesses would go for their own solution. But is it really cheaper? Find all the answers in this article.

6 eCommerce mistakes to avoid when selling software online

eCommerce mistakes to avoid

The following article will give you insights on how to avoid most common ecommerce mistakes and achieve your product sale goals with the minimum of fuss.

Read best practises of managing your:

  • Domain
  • Checkout
  • Product branding
  • Product shopping experience
  • Value proposition
  • Customer service

Customer retention: exit surveys best practices

Customer retention

Every subscription business is confronted with churn. No business likes to see their customers leaving, but no matter how exceptional the service is, the customers still end contracts, quit buying and migrate to competition. Even if this happens, not everything is lost.

In this article PayPro reveals a guide on establishing successful exit surveys and covers each step of the strategy:

  • The format
  • Invitation to take the survey
  • How to win them back

White Paper

Tackling SaaS Churn

SaaS Churn

SaaS companies are often confronted with churn problem after the start-up phase. Yet, surprisingly there is no widely accepted way to calculate churn. Ignoring this problem can be painful for a company on a medium and long run.

Get PayPro white paper to gain insight on:

  • The nature and triggers of churn
  • How to calculate churn and align data correctly
  • The impact of churn on KPI's and long-term company growth
  • Service industry best practices in churn management

Case Study

Infographic: The importance of Good Customer Service in Software, SaaS and Cloud Business Models

Good Customer Service

When selling digital goods online, every vendor should keep in mind that brand awareness and advocacy depends directly on customer experience which is received from both the purchased product and along provided service. Turning a blind eye to providing an exceptional customer service can lead to unfortunate consequences.

Checkout PayPro infographic to get insights on:

  • When buyers and customers need your support the most
  • What customers are usually expecting from support service
  • How to provide this exceptional support service
  • Why good customer experience is so important for successful e-sales and your brand in general

Upcoming Events

ISDEF Spring, 2014

May 23-26, Prague, Czech Rep.

ISDEF Spring Meet PayPro team at the annual Independent Software Developers Forum.

GPeC Summit

May 26-28, Bucharest, Romania

GPeC Join us at the most important ecommerce event in Romania.

SPIC 2014

May 27-28, St. Petersburg, Russia

SPIC Come with PayPro to a major IT conference in St. Petersburg.


May 30-June 1, Rostov, Russia

YUPITER Visit the conference for developers of South Russia with us.

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